
CS5 Test Run

So I managed to try out CS5 this morning. Although I only had about 30 minutes before work my initial thoughts are positive. Many of the lag and display issues I had with CS4 are gone! Yay! Give it a try if you haven't. I think you'll like the improvements. Happy arting friends. =D


  1. There's a CS5?! I haven't properly been on Photoshop for so long now because I've finished my photography course... Lol thanks :) xxx
    Sarah @http://www.inkandbelle.blogspot.com

  2. Haha, yea the new versions creep up on me also. :3

  3. Anonymous18.7.10

    I just got CS5 and...how on earth do you DO that?! D; it looks so painterly and amazing. i can't get my brushes to do that for me :c

  4. Thank you! I try to imagine it like using real paint. Lay down some blobs then mix them around. XD
